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2024-10-29 08:59:55 德育素材网

摘要: 市场经济的典型特征是竞争,每个国家、每个企业、每个人都能强烈地感受到竞争气息,通过竞争来获得自己的生存发展空间。因此,大家都把目光放在竞争层面上,把核心竞争力作为企业持续发展的基础。现代社会是充满竞争的社会,任何一个行业,都不是封闭的,都会有很多竞争对手的存在。所以说,企业如何开拓市场,扩大销售是一个企业今后生存与发展的前提,通过对监理企业这一服务性企业的调查研究,列出了服务性监理企业开拓市场的几点思路。

关键词: 企业生存;目标市场;关联市场;品牌战略;人才战略

Abstract: Market economy"s typical characteristic is the competition, each country, each enterprise, each people can feel the competition breath intensely, obtains own survival development opportunities through the competition. Therefore, everybody places the vision in the competition stratification plane, takes the enterprise sustained development the core competitiveness the foundation. The modern society is the competitive society, any profession, is not the seal, will have man……
