摘 要:当前保险市场处在发展的黄金时期,使得保险公司拥有更多的发展机遇,与此同时保险消费者维权意识也日益提升。这就需要保险公司转变发展方式,以保护保险消费者利益为目的,加强诚信建设。需要对当前保险公司在消费者权益保护方面存在的如侵犯保险消费者知情权、侵犯保险消费者求偿权、保险公司从业人员失信等问题进行探究和分析,并采用加强对契约诚信精神的认识和理解;确立正确经营导向;加强保险公司内部管理制度建设等措施来完善保险公司诚信建设,保护保险消费者权益。
中图分类号:F840.69; 842.4 文献标识码: A
Abstract:The current insurance market in the golden age of development, makes the insurance company have more opportunities for development,At the same time the protection consciousness of insurance consumers increasingly.Need to inquiry and analysis insurance company in consumers" rights and interests protection problems. such as Infringe upon the consumers" right to know, infringe insurance consumers ask for com……
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